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Health & Fitness

5 Reasons Online Yoga is Good For Moms

5 Reasons Online Yoga is Good For Moms

By the time I was pregnant with my first child, I’d been teaching yoga for 8 years and practicing for 13. My home practice was robust and consistent, but I also regularly attended classes taught by ...

5 Exercises for Stronger Wrists

5 Exercises for Stronger Wrists

In today’s digital age, our wrists bear the brunt of our busy lifestyles. From tapping away on keyboards to gripping handheld devices to doing things like push-ups, planks, and downward dog, it’s no ...

Turning 50: Redefining Aging on Our Terms

Turning 50: Redefining Aging on Our Terms

Growing up, one adage that I knew to be true was that you absolutely do not ask a woman her age. It was always something to be coy about—the implication being that not only was it intrusive to ask, ...

173: Senate Health Roundatable recap

173: Senate Health Roundatable recap

Hi friends! I hope that you’re having a lovely morning. Today, I wanted to chat about the Senate Roundtable last week, which was titled, “American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion.” It ...

Vegan Halloween recipes – The Fitnessista

Vegan Halloween recipes – The Fitnessista

Sharing a roundup of 10 delicious vegan Halloween recipes. Hi hi! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning! It’s officially feeling like fall around here and I’m so excited for upcoming ...

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