Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope that you’re having an amazing week. It’s been wild around here as usual, working during the day and chasing the kids around in the afternoons and evenings. ...
Sharing some of my favorite fashion finds for fall!
Hi friends! How are you? I hope you had an amazing weekend! We had a great little staycation in Phoenix, and P and I hit up the trampoline park ...
Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? P has some basketball games and then the girls and I are off to Phoenix for dance. (The Pilot has a huge work event so that’s his life ...
Hi friends! I’m so excited to welcome Brian Murphy to the podcast today! I tracked him down at the Biohacking Conference because I loved his company, their mission, and his overall energy and ...
Sharing 10 of the most useful things I’ve bought from Amazon.
Hi friends! How are ya? I hope that you’re having a lovely week! I have a day full of client calls but am going to sneak in a ...
Hi friends! Happy long weekend to ya! I’m posting Friday Faves on a Saturday because it’s.been.a.week. (Actually a few weeks!) The Pilot finished up three weeks of night flying, so it’s been a lot ...
Sharing the details for a free 3-day event that starts this Sunday, directly into your inbox. No need to show up to live calls or videos; all of the info will be emailed to you.
How are you? I ...
Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have the usual basketball and dance scramble, and we’re meeting up with my dad and stepmom for dinner, and hanging out with friends on ...
The last post I did with a workout update seems like it was years ago, so I figured it was time for a recap post. I’ve made some pretty big changes in the past year and half and wanted to post ...
Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? It’s a pretty normal weekend around here with basketball, dance, time with friends, and time to plan and catch up for next week. It’s ...